Mélaine keeps me happy

Posted: July 30, 2008 in Daily, Melaine, Music

I am writing many songs right now. To be honest I am only starting them with their concepts and titles.

One is called “I can’t stop smiling”. Not because I an happy but because a smile is much easier to give than a frown. Call it a conservation of energy. But the smiles are not real.

That being said Mélaine comes up with some amazing words…

As Jilly and I were standing by Mélaine’s bedside today, she said “Why does that horrible furry flat cat keep showing up?”. 

And I replied “Do you mean the big flat grey cat?”.

“Yes,” she said “Maybe it will drown in the Magnolia water…”.

I have the biggest smile on my face, bigger than I have had in months.

And it feels nice. 

A little bit of joy however temporary.

Love and Joy

  1. Wendy Abshire says:

    Brother, I’m smiling with you and for similar reasons. Please give Melaine a kiss from us and tell it came all the way from Colorado. Where is that Magnolia water when you need it?

    Love, Wen

  2. Louise SS says:

    We’re thinking of you all so much at the moment Keith, I am waiting for that miracle Mélaine so deserves. Big hugs to you and Jay xxxx

  3. Neighbor Christine says:

    Too funny! I can just imagine her saying that with her cute accent.
    can you please send me the address of where you’re staying? I’d like to send a little care package for you all.
    I think about you all every day, and I pray for you, and ask others to pray for you as well.
    Please tell Melaine she’s cute and we miss her. I’ll get you guys a package out as soon as I get an address.


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